Orario di lavoro volontario
Orario di lavoro volontario
Come volontario per il programma medico ad Arusha, in Tanzania, il tuo programma generale sarebbe:
Domenica - Arrivo a destinazione (Arusha)
Lunedì - Il coordinatore locale terrà una sessione di orientamento, che coprirà i principali argomenti quali sicurezza, cultura, lingua, luoghi da visitare, comportamento, cibo e altri suggerimenti su cosa fare in Tanzania.
Dal martedì al venerdì - Lavoro volontario presso il posto di lavoro
Fine settimana - Esplora la città / Parti per safari naturalistici e molto altro ancora
Colazione - dalle 07:30 in poi
Orario di lavoro presso il tirocinio: dalle 08:30 alle 12:30 e dalle 14:00 alle 15:00
Pranzo - dalle 12:30 in poi
Cena - dalle 18:30 in poi
Lo stesso orario di lavoro continua dalla seconda settimana in poi (lunedì - venerdì)
Nota: si prega di notare che il programma potrebbe variare a seconda del progetto specifico a cui partecipa il volontario.
Ruoli e responsabilità dei volontari
Ruoli e responsabilità dei volontari
A seconda delle tue conoscenze, esperienza e competenze, svolgerai i seguenti compiti e responsabilità nel progetto:
Segui e osserva medici, infermieri e altri professionisti sanitari nel reparto a te assegnato
A seconda delle tue competenze, ti verranno assegnati lavori come suturare ferite, somministrare vaccinazioni, ecc.
Assistere i pazienti in attività come il trasporto da un punto di servizio all'altro
È necessario essere attivamente coinvolti nelle procedure quotidiane dell'ospedale, fare il giro dei reparti, tenere i fascicoli ed effettuare controlli di routine sui pazienti come la misurazione della pressione sanguigna, del polso, il controllo della febbre, ecc.
Aiutare in qualsiasi evento di sensibilizzazione medica organizzato dal team locale
Come volontario medico in Tanzania, avrai la possibilità di lavorare a fianco di professionisti sanitari esperti in tirocini ospedalieri. Se sei uno studente di medicina o infermieristica o uno studente di medicina junior, il tuo ruolo sarà principalmente di osservazione, consentendoti di imparare dagli esperti. Tuttavia, se sei uno studente di medicina o infermieristica senior, potresti avere l'opportunità di svolgere compiti più pratici, a seconda della tua esperienza e del consenso dei medici, degli infermieri e dei pazienti con cui lavori.
Durante il volontariato presso l'ospedale, potresti imbatterti in diversi tipi di casi che non sono così comuni a casa tua, tra cui la febbre dengue e molti casi di incidenti motociclistici, comuni ad Arusha.
Nel complesso, il tuo tempo come volontario medico in Tanzania sarà principalmente un'esperienza educativa, che offrirà una panoramica del sistema sanitario della Tanzania. Acquisirai una comprensione delle sfide affrontate nel fornire assistenza medica in un contesto con risorse limitate e delle differenze nelle pratiche sanitarie rispetto al tuo paese di origine. Avrai anche l'opportunità di apprendere informazioni sui problemi di salute comuni nella regione e su come vengono gestiti.
Project Requirement
Project Requirement
I volontari devono avere almeno 18 anni al momento di aderire al progetto. I partecipanti devono avere una mente aperta e un atteggiamento flessibile per lavorare in un ambiente nuovo e diverso. Il volontario dovrebbe portare energia ed entusiasmo per fare la differenza. I volontari medici devono fornire un rapporto pulito di controllo dei precedenti penali, CV, copia del passaporto nonché altri documenti e credenziali relativi alle loro qualifiche prima di aderire al programma. Possono partecipare al programma gli studenti di medicina, medicina, infermieristica, CNA, ostetricia e odontoiatria. Tutti i partecipanti devono portare con sé i propri camici/camici da laboratorio da indossare durante il progetto.
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A Volunteering Solutions cerchiamo di fornire il meglio delle disposizioni di vita ai nostri volontari internazionali. Quindi, quando sei in Tanzania, non devi preoccuparti di una sola cosa al mondo e concentrarti semplicemente sul tuo lavoro di volontariato.
Trasferimento aeroportuale
Sarai accolto dal nostro rappresentante all'aeroporto internazionale del Kilimangiaro nella regione del Kilimangiaro da dove verrai trasferito agli alloggi ad Arusha. I volontari possono anche arrivare a Nairobi e prendere una navetta diretta o un autobus per Arusha. Verranno prelevati alla stazione degli autobus.
L'alloggio per volontari è fornito in un tipo di alloggio per volontari / ostello. L'alloggio sarà condiviso insieme ad altri volontari. L'alloggio del volontario è ben attrezzato con strutture confortevoli per i volontari. La casa del volontario ha un'ampia area comune dove i volontari possono rilassarsi e socializzare con gli altri partecipanti. La casa ha una zona di lavaggio separata dove i volontari possono lavare i loro vestiti. Per la sicurezza dei volontari, la casa è dotata di telecamere a circuito chiuso ed è sorvegliata anche da una guardia giurata.
Tutti i volontari riceveranno una sessione di orientamento dal coordinatore locale. Aree come la sicurezza, i luoghi, i trasporti, le cose da vedere ecc. saranno trattate nell'orientamento. Al termine del tuo orientamento, ti verrà presentato il tuo progetto e ti verrà offerto un tour della zona e della città.
Ai volontari vengono forniti 3 pasti al giorno. I pasti tipici includono insalate, panini, ugali, chapatti, chai (tè), pane e riso, con verdure e frutta. La colazione e la cena sono presso la casa del volontario, mentre il pranzo è solitamente al sacco per farti mangiare durante il tirocinio o può essere consumato se torni all'alloggio. I pasti forniti ai volontari sono solitamente un mix di piatti tanzaniani e occidentali. Se ne hai esigenze dietetiche particolari, fatecelo sapere in anticipo.
Durante il tuo tempo libero
In genere la maggior parte dei volontari sceglie di viaggiare fuori Arusha nei fine settimana e fare viaggi Safari. Hai la possibilità di scegliere un viaggio Safari di 2 o 3 giorni nel Serengeti, Tarangire e Ngorogoro. Puoi anche andare a Moshi o esplorare le piantagioni di caffè e l'area delle cascate vicino ad Arusha. I volontari possono anche fare brevi escursioni vicino ad Arusha.
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Duration |
Program Fee
Choose your currency
1 Week | $375 | |
2 Weeks | $550 | |
3 Weeks | $725 | |
4 Weeks | $950 | |
5 Weeks | $1175 | |
6 Weeks | $1395 | |
7 Weeks | $1620 | |
8 Weeks | $1845 | |
Extra Week | $225 |
Please Note: An application fee of is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. A 5% international banking fee is charged for credit card payments of program fee in USD/AUD.
Per cosa stai pagando?
- Assistenza e supporto 24 ore su 24 da parte del personale
- Informazioni complete prima della partenza
- Prelievo all'aeroporto del Kilimanjaro o alla stazione degli autobus di Arusha
- Orientamento
- Cibo
- Sistemazione presso la Casa del Volontariato
- Donazioni e spese ospedaliere
- Assistenza nella prenotazione di safari nel fine settimana e altri tour
- Assicurazione medica e di viaggio (disponibile a un costo aggiuntivo)
Cosa NON è incluso?
- Biglietto aereo
- Tariffa per visto e permesso di lavoro (spese per permesso di lavoro pagabili nel paese)
- Trasferimento di ritorno all'aeroporto (può essere organizzato a un costo aggiuntivo)
- Trasporto locale
- Vaccinazioni
Health and Safety
Do I need to buy a health insurance?
Yes, for all participants it is mandatory to have a travel medical insurance. If you do not have a travel insurance, you have the option to purchase the Travel and Medical Insurance at a nominal extra cost from us. To provide the best option to our participants, we offer comprehensive insurance coverage in collaboration with a leading insurance provider.
How safe is Arusha and Tanzania in general?
Arusha is regarded as the gateway to the popular Northern Safari circuit and attracts tourists from around the world. Arusha is a safe city, however, as in any country around the world, you need to take general precautions for safety. You will be given safety precautions and instructions by your coordinator during the orientation as well as in your Pre-departure handbook after you become an enrolled participant.
What immunizations/vaccinations will I need?
We recommend you to consult your physician or travel doctor before traveling to Tanzania. All travelers are required to carry an International Certificate of Vaccination (Yellow Card) to show proof of Yellow Fever immunization.
The following vaccinations are recommended for travelers going to Tanzania.
Yellow Fever
Hepatitis A and B
Application and Program Details
Are there any necessary requirements to participate in the Arusha volunteer programs?
The necessary requirements to participate in the Arusha volunteer projects are as follows:
Volunteers must be 17 years or older at the time of joining the project. Medical Program volunteers must be at least 18 at the time of joining.
Volunteers joining the medical volunteer project must be either Pre-Medical, Medical or Nursing student or possess other qualifications related to medical and nursing field such as CNA or EMT. Medical professionals such as doctors and nurses are also welcome to join this program.
Volunteers need to have an open mind and flexible attitude for working in a new and different environment.
A volunteer should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference.
The participant must be in good health. -
Can I know more about the program location of Arusha?
Volunteering Solutions offers volunteer placements in and around the region of Arusha, which is surrounded by some of Africa's most famous landscapes and national parks. Situated below Mount Meru on the eastern edge of the Great Rift Valley, it has a mild climate and is close to Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara, Tarangire National Park, and Mount Kilimanjaro, as well as having its own Arusha National Park on Mount Meru.
When should I apply for a volunteer program in Tanzania?
As we have limited spots available in our programs and we follow the first come first serve basis, it is recommended that potential volunteers book their programs well in advance to get confirmed placements. You can book your slot by filling the application form online and pay the application fee. You can pay your program fee later and also, in installments, however, the complete payment should be made 45 days prior the start of the program. If you are volunteering in a group, you can also fill a group application form.
Can I volunteer as part of a group?
We encourage our participants to volunteer in a group. We take special care in providing you a placement and also customize your itinerary to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for. Also, we can design special group programs for groups of 5 or more. Our programs are designed to be safe, affordable and offer a great group volunteering experience to the volunteers.
In our experience of more than 12+ years we have enabled and facilitated volunteer program placements for student groups- college groups, university groups, high school groups, group of families, group of couples as well as groups of colleagues. -
When do I need to arrive in Tanzania for my program? What will happen once I arrive in Tanzania?
All volunteers need to arrive in Tanzania on the mentioned program starting dates.
Volunteers are picked up from the Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) by the in-country coordinator or representative. You will be transferred to the volunteer house accommodation in Arusha followed by an orientation session. Kilimanjaro International Airport is around 50 km drive from Arusha city and it takes around 45 minutes to reach.
Volunteers also have an option of arriving in Nairobi and then taking a shuttle bus to Arusha. Pickup will be provided from the bus station. Drive from Nairobi to Arusha takes around 5 hours. This option is chosen by many volunteers. Volunteers should note that airport pickup is not provided from Nairobi airport. -
Will VolSol provide with a reference or a certificate after program completion?
Yes, we will provide you with the Certificate after successful completion of your program. The certificate is provided on request.
How do I get to the program location?
Our in-country coordinator will take you to your placement and introduce you to your project after providing a basic orientation about the program, city, culture etc. You will be provided with the directions for the project from your accommodation and will be briefed about the mode of transport to be used.
How long will it take to process an application? Will my application be accepted?
After you complete your application, your personalized ‘My Account’ will be active.You will need to upload your CV/Resume along with your photo in the same. Our backend team and the placement site takes around 10-12 days to review your application. After we review your CV and documents, your booking is confirmed and booking confirmation is updated in your ‘My Account’. Some projects need a mandatory criminal background check and the same is mentioned in the project info of your program. Approval of your application depends on your qualification and eligibility criteria for each project.
Does VolSol provides discount if I choose more than one program or if I am a returning volunteer?
If you are planning to come for multiple programs in your trip, you will have to pay the application fees just once. Your application fee is valid for a year's time ( from the date of application). You will not have to pay the application fees again if you come within the mentioned time frame.
For our returning volunteers, $50 discount is provided for the application fee for their next Vol Sol program.
Accommodation and Living
Can vegetarians be accommodated?
Yes - please do ensure that you inform the local team about your food preference and they can help ensure you are able to order the best food! Also, please do mention your specific food preference in the application form as well.
Where can I change my money in Tanzania? Are there ATMs in Arusha?
On arrival in Arusha, you can change your currency to Tanzanian Shillings at the currency exchange shops at the airport. There are several ATMs available and, mostly Visa and Mastercards are accepted. During the orientation, the coordinators would show you the nearest ATM as well as foreign currency exchange shops. Tanzania is mostly a cash-based society and you would need to pay in cash at most of the places you shop. Credit cards are not accepted at many places.
Would I have free time during my program? Can I do sightseeing during my program?
Volunteers typically work for around 5-6 hours in a day, for 5 days a week. Depending on the workload every day, working hours can vary. Evenings are free for the volunteers when they can get together and go out for social gatherings, eat out or just relax at the volunteer house. Weekends are free for the volunteers and you can go for short weekend trips.Volunteers go for Safari trips to Serengeti, Tarangire, and Ngorongoro. You can also go for shorter trips to Arusha National Park or Hot Springs outside Arusha. Local sightseeing trips are arranged for the volunteers by the local coordinators. Volunteers are encouraged to explore different places on the weekends and do sightseeing so that you can see as much of the country during your stay in Tanzania.
How will be the weather in Arusha?
Being at foothills of Mount Meru, the weather in Arusha is extremely pleasant and moderately cold at night. You can carry light jackets.
Are there more expenses once I arrive in Tanzania?
Your program fee covers your Airport Pickup, Accommodation, Food and In-country Support.
You will have to get an work permit, which will cost around $200. The in-country coordinator will guide you about it.
You will need to cover your personal expenses, such as bottled water, local transport, telephone, the internet, shopping, weekend trips etc. However, you should carry around $50-60 per week for your basic personal expenses. This amount can vary and you would need a higher amount if you choose to go on Safari trips. The cost of the safari trips varies between $300- $600 depending on the safari option you choose.
Airport drop is no included in the fee but we can arrange for it at an extra cost of approx $50.
Can I know more about accommodation and food arrangements?
Volunteers in Arusha are provided accommodation in a volunteer house/ hostel. The accommodation is centrally located and it is not far from the central part of the town and Arusha clock tower. It is exciting to stay at the volunteer house as you get to meet and interact with other volunteers from around the world. The volunteer house has a guard, a cleaner, and cook who prepares meals for the volunteers. Volunteers share the rooms on the same gender basis. Usually, 2 -3 volunteers share a room together.
Volunteers are provided with all three meals. Breakfast usually comprises of Tea, Coffee, Bread, Jam, Butter, Eggs and/or Fruits. Lunch and Dinner usually comprise of a mix of Western and local dishes such as vegetables, chicken, rice, spaghetti, meat, and fruits. The dishes can vary on a daily basis and lunch is usually packed for the volunteers or you can eat at the house if you are there. -
For how many hours will I volunteer every day?
VolSol volunteers usually put 5-6 hours of volunteer work, 5 days a week depending on their program. You will have the weekend for yourself to explore in and around the city. However, volunteers need to be flexible, open minded and understand that work requirements can change on certain occasions.
Connect with Past Volunteers
How can I connect with past Volunteering Solutions Tanzania alumni as well as other former and current volunteers?
We encourage volunteers to get in touch with former Volunteering Solutions Tanzania program participants and also other program participants joining our projects. You are recommended to join the Volunteering">https://www.facebook.com/VolunteeringSolutions/">Volunteering Solutions Facebook Page orhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/volunteeringsolutions/"> Facebook Group and connect with other participants and our team.
To read alumni interviews from past participants, visit, Meet">https://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/meet-a-volunteer">Meet a Volunteer section on our website.
Flights and Visa
Does Volunteering Solutions help with Visa?
All participants joining the Tanzania volunteer projects, need to apply for Visa at the nearest Tanzanian Embassy or Consulate. Along with the visa application, you need to attach the required supporting documents. Volunteers are provided with the necessary supporting document for their Tanzanian Visa application. More information shall be provided after you become a Volunteering Solutions’ enrolled participant.
Participants also have the option to take the Visa on arrival at the airport. Tourist Visa can be obtained on arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport or at the border when arriving overland.
All volunteers working in Tanzania need to get a Class C Permit while in Tanzania. The Work permit costs $200 USD and you will be provided assistance by the local team in Arusha to get the necessary work permit. -
What are the recommended airlines to fly to Tanzania?
Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) has flight connections from Europe and other African destinations. KLM Dutch Airlines, Qatar Airways, Kenya Airways, Condor Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Precision Air and Ethiopian Airlines are the major airlines flying in directly to Arusha, Tanzania.