Worum geht es bei Volunteering Solutions?

Worum geht es bei Volunteering Solutions?

Als Akt der Philanthropie interessieren sich immer mehr Menschen aus der ganzen Welt dafür, sich ehrenamtlich für die Benachteiligten zu engagieren, und reisen über die Grenzen, um ihre helfenden Hände auszustrecken. Freiwilligenarbeit im Ausland und das Konzept der „sozial wirkungsvollen Reise“ haben sich im 21. Jahrhundert stark weiterentwickelt, und die Menschen legen großen Wert darauf, sich auf die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und das persönliche Wachstum zu konzentrieren, während sie ein neues Ziel erkunden.

Volunteering Solutions wurde 2006 mit dem Ziel gegründet, das Gesicht des Freiwilligenreisens zu verändern. In den letzten mehr als 16 Jahren hatten wir mehr als 15.000 Freiwillige, die ihre Reisen mit lebensverändernden Erfahrungen abgeschlossen haben. Mit dem Spitznamen VolSol bieten wir interessierten Kandidaten aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt die besten Freiwilligen- und Praktikantenmöglichkeiten und stellen sicher, dass jeder von ihnen das Beste aus dem von ihm gewählten Programm herausholt.

Derzeit ist Volunteering Solutions in mehr als 25 Ländern tätig und bietet mehr als 150 Optionen für Freiwilligenarbeit und Praktika, die von Kinderbetreuung, Lehre, Medizin und Gesundheitswesen, Gemeindeentwicklung, Meeresschutz und vielem mehr reichen. Die meisten unserer Freiwilligen sind Oberstufenschüler, Paare, Firmengruppen und Einzelpersonen in den Sommerferien oder im Gap Year.

Wir arbeiten mit NGOs, Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Waisenhäusern, HIV/AIDS-Kliniken, Frauengruppen und anderen sozialen Wohlfahrtsorganisationen auf der ganzen Welt zusammen. Jede dieser Organisationen arbeitet seit Jahren an der Basis und hat erfolgreich zur Entwicklung der betroffenen Menschen beigetragen. VolSolhat dafür gesorgt, dass der Beitrag jedes Freiwilligen gezählt wird und es zu nachhaltigem Wachstum kommt.

Im Rahmen der Praktikumsprogramme können Teilnehmer, die sich für Projekte im Medizin- und Gesundheitswesen entscheiden, mit Fachleuten zusammenarbeiten und lernen, wie man in Notsituationen umgeht. Unsere Praktikumsprogramme sind so konzipiert und gestaltet, dass jeder Teilnehmer etwas über die medizinische Situation eines bestimmten Landes lernt. Es ist sowohl eine Reise nach innen als auch nach außen – nach innen, da Sie durch die Erfahrungen aus erster Hand viel lernen werden, und nach außen, da die Gesellschaft von Ihrem Beitrag profitieren wird.

Als Organisation sind wir in allen unseren Büros auf der ganzen Welt interkulturell aufgestellt. Für uns arbeiten Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern, Kulturen und Ethnien, um den Prozess des Freiwilligenreisens reibungsloser und flexibler zu gestalten.

Wir haben an jedem Freiwilligenziel engagierte Koordinatoren aus verschiedenen Ländern. Wir kümmern uns um die Unterbringung, Anreise, Unterkunft, Verpflegung und Sicherheit der Freiwilligen.

Um es kurz zu sagen: „ Volunteering Solutions ist der beste Weg, ehrenamtlich zu arbeiten, ein Praktikum zu absolvieren und um die Welt zu reisen .“

Trusted Worldwide

We are in collaboration with NGOs, schools, hospitals, orphanages, HIV/AIDS clinics, women groups and other social welfare organizations all across the globe.

Each of these organizations has been working at the grass-root level for years, and successfully contributed towards the development of the concerned people. VolSol has ensured that the contribution of every volunteer is counted, and there’s sustainable growth.

"I took a group of 10 students with me to Beijing, China. It was an amazing experience the students all loved it and want to go back next year. I had a great experience from beginning to end that was well coordinated and cost efficient through Volunteering Solutions. I couldn't be happier with my overall experience"

Natalie Rosenberg (Teacher and Group Leader from ALHS, USA)
Natalie Rosenberg (Teacher and Group Leader from ALHS, USA)

For the internship programs, participants opting for Medical and Healthcare projects get to work with professionals and learn how to deal in emergency situations.

Our internship programs are crafted and designed in a way that every participant gets to know about the medical scenario of a particular country. It is both an inward and outward journey - inward, as you’ll get to learn a lot through the first-hand experience, and outward, as the society will be benefitted by your contribution.

As an organization, we have a cross-cultural set up in all our offices across the world. We have people from different countries, cultures, and ethnicities working for us in order to make the process of volunteer traveling smoother and more flexible.

We have dedicated coordinators at each volunteer destination, coming from different countries. We take care of the volunteer’s placement, traveling, accommodation, meals, and security.

“Volunteering Solutions is the best way to volunteer, intern and travel across the world.”


Volunteer Hours


Programs in 26 Countries


Past Volunteers


Years Experience


We are one of the esteemed members of World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation, which is a global not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to promoting and developing opportunities for the young students and educational travel industry.

Volunteering Solutions is also an approved member of Year Out Group (YOG), which is an association of approved gap year providing organisations most of which are registered in the UK. At least one of the principal activities of each of these organisations is the provision of well-structured gap year programmes overseas.

Accreditation Accreditation

Our History

How we got here


Volunteering Solutions was established with the aim to redefine traveling by narrowing the gap between volunteers and underprivileged communities. The main goal behind this was to make traveling more meaningful through social contributions. The first volunteer was placed under a project in India.


Initially starting from India and Nepal, Volunteering Solutions extended to different parts of the world, including Latin American countries like Peru, Costa Rica, Ecuador as well as several African countries, like Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania. More volunteers became a part of the programs.


Volunteering Solutions attended the international conference in Spain after becoming a member of WYSE Travel Confederation, which was a step ahead in the journey. Becoming a part of a reputed international brand raised the value of VolSol as well.


Volunteering Solutions won the prestigious GoAbroad Innovation Awards, for introducing Technological Advancement in the programs. The “My Account” section was added in the website so that participants can track their trip, upload flight info, download trip info, edit trip information and get in touch with Volunteering Solutions’ Program Advisors through their mobile device such as iPhone, Blackberry, Android, iPad etc.


As a major achievement, Volunteering Solutions successfully placed 10,000 volunteers within a time span of 8 years.


Volunteering Solutions completed a decade in the industry and successfully placed thousands of volunteers under different projects. Experience Trips were launched, in order to provide better volunteer travel opportunities to the participants.


Expanding our overseas footprint, UK company and office was established to cater to our UK and EU customers.


Volunteering Solutions became a member of Year Out Group (YOG) which is an association of approved gap year providing organisations.

Our Values


We always strive for excellence in whatever we do. Our focus is on continuous improvement in the process of interaction with people, efficiency at work, and the growth of the organization along with the development of the host communities. We aim to provide the best possible services to our volunteers at the most affordable costs.


Our team has always been dedicated to their duties, and makes sure to optimize their productivity with the given resources. It is the collaborative effort of our hardworking geniuses, who ensure to provide the best possible volunteer placements, local homestays and accommodations, as well as travel options for you


Nothing in this world can be sustained without trust, and VolSol believes in this. We have always been true to our commitments, and that has made our volunteers trust us. We have had more than 21K volunteers, and many of them have travelled several times with us just because they trust our services.


The aim of the organization is to focus on sustainable development, and we have been successfully carrying out our projects in a way that assures visible results. Volunteers dedicatedly work on their assigned projects and our coordinators keep supervising the project sites to ensure productivity.

Still have Questions?

We're always here to help.

Get in touch whatever way works best for you.