Programmkosten für Volunteering-Lösungen

Programmkosten für Volunteering-Lösungen

Seit 2006 hat Volunteering Solutions über 14.000 Freiwilligen aus der ganzen Welt großartige Freiwilligenarbeit ermöglicht. Mit einer großen Auswahl an Freiwilligenprogrammen ab nur 200 US-Dollar finden Sie immer ein Programm, das Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Nachfolgend finden Sie die Kosten für alle Länder und Programme, die wir anbieten. Falls Sie mit einer Gruppe oder mit Freunden reisen, fragen Sie uns bitte nach einem weiteren Rabatt, wir bieten Ihnen gerne einen ermäßigten Preis für Gruppenreisen an.

Die Programmkosten umfassen Folgendes:

  • 24 Stunden Hilfe und Unterstützung durch VS-Mitarbeiter
  • Umfassende Informationen vor der Abreise
  • Projektplatzierung
  • Flughafen Abholung
  • Orientierung
  • Nahrung (wird in den meisten Projekten bereitgestellt)
  • Unterkunft
  • Personalisierte Seite Mein Konto
  • Teilnahmezertifikat/ Gewinnspiel (auf Anfrage)
*Bitte besuchen Sie die jeweilige Programmseite, um die spezifischen Einschlüsse in den Kosten anzuzeigen.

Australia Program Cost

Erhaltung gefährdeter Tiere in Australien - Gladstone

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Arbeiten Sie ehrenamtlich in einem Wildtierschutzgebiet - Holbrook

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Bali Program Cost

Wiederherstellung des Korallenriffs und Tauchen in Nord-Bali - Pemuteran

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)
Open Water Diving Course Available at $390

Schildkrötenschutzprojekt auf Bali - Serangan

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kindergarten-Freiwilligenprogramm in Bali - Tianyar

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Programm zum Schutz der Meeres- und Korallenriffe - Tianyar

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Lehrprogramm auf Bali - Tianyar

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Cambodia Program Cost

Kinderbetreuungsprogramm Kambodscha - Phnom Penh

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprogramm in Kambodscha - Phnom Penh

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

NGO-Unterstützungsprogramm Kambodscha - Phnom Penh

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englischunterrichtsprogramm Kambodscha - Phnom Penh

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Costa Rica Program Cost

Freiwilliger in einem Tierrettungszentrum in Costa Rica - Alajuela

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Regenwaldschutz - Caribbean Rainforest

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Schildkröten- und Umweltschutz - Osa Peninsula

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Schildkröten- und Faultierschutz Costa Rica - Pacific Coast

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Wildlife & Animal Rescue Center Freiwilligenarbeit in Costa Rica - Puerto Viejo

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenprogramm für die Kinderbetreuung in Costa Rica - Santa Barbara De Heredia

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englischunterricht in Costa Rica - Santa Barbara De Heredia

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Costa Rica - 2-Wochen-Special - Various

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Ecuador Program Cost

Projekt des Amazonas-Tierrettungszentrums in Ecuador - Puyo

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Straßenkinderprogramm Ecuador - Quito

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Ghana Program Cost

Freiwilligenprogramm für Kindergarten und Vorschule in Ghana - Accra

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Praktikum in Ghana - Accra

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Physiotherapie-Praktikum in Ghana - Accra

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Straßenkinderprojekt in Ghana - Accra

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Strandschutzprogramm in Ghana - Axim

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Ghana – 2-Wochen-Special - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprojekt in Ghana - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Waisenhausprogramm - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Fußballtraining in Ghana - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sommer-Impact-Projekt Ghana 2024 - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Bildungsprogramm für Mädchen in Ghana - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Gemeindeentwicklungsprojekt Ghana - Tamale

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Greece Program Cost

Zahnmedizinisches Praktikum in Griechenland - Athens

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Praktikum in Griechenland - Athens

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

India Program Cost

Indien - 1-Wochen-Special - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Indien - Delhi 2-Wochen-Special - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kinderbetreuung & Elefantenfreiwilligendienst Indien erleben - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sprach- und Orientierungswoche Indien - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches und pflegerisches Praktikum in Indien - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Straßenkinderprogramm Indien - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Summer Impact Project Indien 2024 - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Special Needs Care Programm Indien - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Frauenförderungsprogramm Indien - Delhi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenprogramm für die Kinderbetreuung in Indien - Jaipur

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Bau- und Renovierungsprojekt in Jaipur - Jaipur

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Praktikum im Gesundheitswesen in Jaipur - Jaipur

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Slum-Bildungsprojekt in Jaipur - Jaipur

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenprogramm für Lehrkräfte in Indien - Jaipur

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Frauenförderungs- und Mädchenbildungsprogramm Indien - Jaipur

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Ireland Program Cost

Freiwilliger bei Art Projects Ireland - Clonmel

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Charity Shop Freiwilligenarbeit Irland - Clonmel

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Gemeindeentwicklungsprojekt Irland - Cork

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kenya Program Cost

Kenia - 1 Woche Spezial - Nairobi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kenia – 2-Wochen-Special - Nairobi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kinderbetreuungsprogramm Kenia - Nairobi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprojekt in Kenia - Nairobi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englisch lernen in Kenia - Nairobi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Madagascar Program Cost

Gemeindeentwicklung in Madagaskar - Nosy Komba Island

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englischunterricht in Madagaskar - Nosy Komba Island

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Waldschutz in Madagaskar - Nosy Komba Island

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Meeresschutz in Madagaskar - Nosy Komba Island

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)
Fee Includes Mandatory Ecological Monitoring Program Course fee

Überwachung von Meeresschildkröten in Madagaskar - Nosy Komba Island

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Malaysia Program Cost

Borneo Wildlife Volunteer Experience Malaysia - Borneo

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Familien-Freiwilligen-Abenteuer Malaysia - Borneo

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)
Note : Children between 8 - 12 years old are charged a discounted program fee.

Sun Bear Conservation Project Malaysia - Borneo

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Morocco Program Cost

Freiwilligenprogramm für die Kinderbetreuung in Marokko - Rabat

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligen-NGO-Unterstützung Marokko - Rabat

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilliger Unterricht in Marokko - Rabat

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Frauenförderungsprogramm Marokko - Rabat

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Nepal Program Cost

Nepal – 1 Woche Spezial - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Nepal – 2-Wochen-Special - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kinderbetreuungsprogramm Nepal - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sprach- und Orientierungswoche Nepal - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Praktikum in Nepal - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sommer-Impact-Projekt Nepal 2024 - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilliger Unterricht in Nepal - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Frauenförderung Nepal - Kathmandu

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Peru Program Cost

Peru - 1 Woche Spezial - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Peru - 2-Wochen-Special - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Zahnmedizinisches Wahlpraktikum in Peru - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprogramm in Peru - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenarbeit mit behinderten Kindern Peru - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Lehrerassistentin in Kindergärten Peru - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilliger Unterricht in Peru - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenarbeit im Day Care Center Peru - Cusco

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Philippines Program Cost

Freiwilligenprogramm für Kinderbetreuung auf den Philippinen - Tacloban

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Public Health Nutrition Program Philippinen - Tacloban

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenarbeit im ländlichen medizinischen Bereich auf den Philippinen - Tacloban

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilliger Unterricht auf den Philippinen - Tacloban

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Portugal Program Cost

Lebensmittelabfallmanagement Portugal - Porto

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Igelschutzprojekt Portugal - Porto

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Pferdepatrouille und Umweltschutz Portugal - Porto

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Jugendförderprogramm Portugal - Porto

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

South Africa Program Cost

Südafrika - 2-Wochen-Special - Cape Town

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kinderbetreuungs- und Sozialhilfeprogramm Südafrika - Cape Town

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sportentwicklungsprogramm Südafrika - Cape Town

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilliger Unterricht in Südafrika - Cape Town

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Tierrettungs- und Rehabilitationsprojekt - Cape Town

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Township-Freiwilligenprojekt Südafrika - Port Elizabeth

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Pinguinrettungsprogramm Südafrika - Port Elizabeth

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Wildlife Volunteer Program Südafrika - Port Elizabeth

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Spain Program Cost

Gemeindeentwicklungsprojekt in Barcelona - Barcelona

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Unterwasserschutz - Barcelona

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sri Lanka Program Cost

Sri Lanka - 1 Woche Spezial - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenprogramm für Kinderunterricht - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kindergarten & Unterricht in Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Pre-Medical & Nursing Volunteer Program Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Meeresschildkrötenschutz Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Frauenförderung in Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Umweltschutz in Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Praktikum in Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Krankenpflegepraktikum in Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilligenprojekt zur Hundebetreuung in Sri Lanka - Galle

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Schildkrötenschutz und Erkundung Sri Lankas - Kosgoda

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Schutz wilder Elefanten Sri Lanka - Wasgamuwa National Park

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Tanzania Program Cost

Tansania – 2-Wochen-Special - Arusha

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kinderbetreuungsprogramm in Arusha - Arusha

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprogramm in Arusha - Arusha

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Summer Impact Project Tansania 2024 - Arusha

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Unterricht in Arusha - Arusha

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Korallenrestaurierung und Meeresschildkrötenschutz durch Tauchen - Mtwara

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Schützen Sie die Meeresschildkröten in Südtansania - Mtwara

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprogramm in Sansibar - Zanzibar

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englischunterricht in Sansibar - Zanzibar

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Thailand Program Cost

Thailand – 2-Wochen-Special - Bangkok

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Kinderheimprogramm Thailand - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Journalistisches Praktikum Thailand - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Praktikum in Thailand - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Sommer-Impact-Projekt Thailand 2024 - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englischunterrichtsprogramm Thailand - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Lehrmönche Programm Thailand - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Elefantencamp-Projekt Thailand - Chiang Mai

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Uganda Program Cost

Kinderbetreuungsprogramm Uganda - Mukono Region

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Medizinisches Freiwilligenprogramm in Uganda - Mukono Region

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Bauwesen und Gemeindeentwicklung Uganda - Mukono Region

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Freiwilliger Unterricht in Uganda - Mukono Region

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Uganda – 2-Wochen-Special - Mukono Region

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Vietnam Program Cost

Kinderbetreuung in Hanoi - Vietnam - Hanoi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

Englischunterricht Vietnam - Hanoi

Please Note: -An application fee of $229 is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. (A 5% international banking fee is charged at the time of payment)

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