Volontariato in Uganda
Volontariato in Uganda

Volunteer in

Fai volontariato in Uganda con soluzioni di volontariato da 1 a 18 settimane su un'ampia gamma di programmi di volontariato tra cui assistenza all'infanzia, insegnamento dell'inglese, sviluppo della comunità e medicina e assistenza sanitaria. I programmi si trovano dentro e intorno alla capitale, Kampala.



Uganda - Quick Facts

Date di inizio : Tutto l'anno

Duration : 2-18 Weeks

Posizione del programma : Mukono Region

Età minima : 17 years+

Certificato : Offerto dopo il completamento del programma


A prima vista

Valuta utilizzata : Ugandan Shilling

Language : English, Swahili

Viaggia nei fine settimana a: Lake Victoria, Bwindi National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

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Volunteer in Uganda

Diventa volontario in Uganda con Volunteering Solutions e unisciti a una serie di programmi di volontariato all'estero a prezzi accessibili, tra cui insegnamento dell'inglese, assistenza all'infanzia, edilizia e sviluppo comunitario. Gli studenti di medicina e di medicina possono anche partecipare al programma di volontariato medico e lavorare con i medici nei centri sanitari rurali. Il lavoro di volontariato in Uganda si svolge nella regione di Mukono. Se hai poco tempo, puoi unirti ai nostri programmi di viaggio di volontariato a breve termine e sperimentare le migliori opportunità di volontariato in Uganda. VolSol è una delle migliori organizzazioni di volontariato in Uganda e gode della fiducia di migliaia di volontari del passato negli ultimi 17 anni.

Punti salienti:

  • Programmi con sede nella regione di Mukono e dintorni, a circa 1 ora da Kampala
  • Significative opportunità di volontariato tutto l'anno da 2 a 18 settimane
  • Progetti di volontariato a basso costo comprensivi di vitto e alloggio
  • Incredibili tour aggiuntivi del fine settimana e opzioni safari disponibili
  • Volontariato in progetti di base che testimoniano lo stile di vita rurale africano

Le migliori opportunità di volontariato in Uganda

Glendon - Volunteer in Medical Program in Uganda
"It was a great program thank you very much for the wonderful placement. The project coordinator in Uganda does a fantastic job. I would definitely recommend the program. My volunteer experience has been wonderful I had a lot of fun and a really great time.. The Hospital was great very good experience something I wouldn't have gotten back home and I am looking forward to coming back as soon as I can I say that from the bottom of my heart. "

Glendon - Volunteer in Medical Program in Uganda View

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Weekend Travel Options

With uncountable places to explore, from the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains and gorgeous Lake Victoria, Uganda never fails to amaze the travelers who are keen on discovering the least traveled roads in the world. For the nature lovers, Uganda will be a treat. Bwindi National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park are the two places where one can surely find the mountain gorillas – and there are special treks organized for the animal lovers. You can also take a trip to the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Make your travel bucket list and discuss your weekend plans with the country coordinator, as they'll be the best people to guide you.

Go for the Gorilla Trek - gorilla trekThe best plan for the weekend would be to head off to Bwindi National Park for the adventurous Gorilla Trek!   Bwindi National Park is often termed as ‘an impenetrable forest’ due to its thickness and the steep rough paths that often make it an adventurous walk. The number of mountain gorillas is decreasing by the day, and before this species get extinct, why not spot them amidst the wilderness!

Weekend city tour of Kampala - Visit the Kasubi Tombs which are also considered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. If you are interested in cooking lessons for traditional Ugandan meals, traditional dance classes, etc, then you must visit the Ndere Centre, which is the cultural hub in Kampala. Take a tour of the Ugandan Museum to know more about the country’s past. Apart from these, you can also visit the Bulang (the Parliament of Uganda), the Gaddafi Mosque (built by the Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi), the Baha’i Temple and much more.?

Spot the chimpanzees at the Kibale National Park - Adventures in Africa will never cease - you can hop from one National Park to another and keep meeting the primates, as well as other animals.  The Kibale National Park forms a continuous forest with the Queen Elizabeth National Park, having one of the most unique wildlife corridors in the world.

Get your photos clicked at the Equator Point - uganda-equatorThe imaginary line that divides the Earth into two hemispheres apparently passes through Uganda, and it’s one of the most popular tourist spots! Everyone visiting Kampala goes to Kayabwe in Mpigi District to get their photos clicked at the Equator Point.

If you have anything else in your bucket list or planning to go & explore any of the above-mentioned places, you can simply get in touch with our Travel Experts, who can guide you better in planning your weekend tours. Drop us a mail at mentioning your choice of weekend adventures, and we shall cater your needs.

Frequently asked questions(FAQ's Uganda)

FAQ's Application and Program Details

Flights and Visa

Health and Safety

Accommodation and Living

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