5 Movies That Inspire You To Volunteer Abroad

calendar_today May 26, 2014
schedule min read


Some movies just do the magic, they inspire you to do the impossible. Of course volunteering is not an impossible task, but not all of us can take the first or the one last step towards compassion. We have compiled a list of great movies that will motivate and inspire you, not just for volunteering but for life in general:

1. The Motorcycle Diaries

I bet a lot of our volunteers can relate to this movie. Two medical students embark on a short motorcycle trip and use their medical skills to volunteer for the needy in a remote location. The movie is as much about compassion, volunteering and doing good as it is about adventurous travel experience, self discovery and freedom. “They are on a road to forget who they were and discover who they are”.

Incentive ? Inspired from the life of  Latin American revolutionary Che Guevara. A clip from their work in Peru.

 2. The Darjeeling Limited

More than volunteering, this movie is about experiencing different culture. A soul-searching of three brothers in an unknown land, this movie gives you a bird’s eye view of India.

Incentive? Based on India.

3. Swades (Hindi Movie)

This is a hindi movie and a must watch. An educated Indian who works for NASA, returns to meet his relatives in India. Almost an NRI, he works for the little needs of people in his village. Like working to generate electricity, educating and teaching people etc. He struggles with living a comfortable and material life in America vis-a-vis a life full of struggle in his home country. This movie is a must watch as far as struggles in volunteering is concerned.

Incentive? True picture of a life of philanthropy and altruism

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4. Pay It Forward

This is a story about an 11-year old boy who has changed the lives of many people with his school project he names “pay it forward.” He creates a chain of good deeds by doing favor and asking others to do favor in return of what he has done for them. This is a beautiful movie that teaches you pure compassion.

Incentive? An initiative from a 11 year old kid.

5. Volunteers

Not with the usual seriousness of volunteering, Tom Hanks creates a humorous magic portraying the life of a “forced volunteer”. A great volunteering journey in Thailand.

Incentive? Tom Hanks and Thailand.


These are our top 5 picks, tel us what inspires you. Comment now to let us know 🙂

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